• Graduação em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (1997);
• Mestrado em Ciências Veterinárias pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2007);
• Especialização Lato Sensu em Anestesiologia Veterinária pela PAV (2011);
• Doutorado em Ciências Veterinárias pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2017);
• Sócio-Proprietário da PRK Anestesiologia Veterinária;
• Responsável pelo Serviço de Anestesiologia e Controle da Dor no Hospital Veterinário CLinivet, em Curitiba/PR desde 1997;
• Autor do livro: Anestesiologia Locorregional em Pequenos Animais e outros capítulos de livros sobre Anestesiologia Veterinária.
Discover the profile of exhibitors in the Pet & Vet Services industry
Professionals in Research, Development and innovation, purchasing,
production and heads of Pet business unit of Animal nutrition industry
are also visitors to the Animal Health Expo Forum.
Discover the profile of exhibitors from the Pet Nutrition industry
Complete Nutrition for Pets:
Nutritional Supplements:
Professionals in Research, Development and innovation, purchasing,
production and heads of Pet business unit of Animal nutrition industry
are also visitors to the Animal Health Expo Forum.
Discover the profile of exhibitors from the Pet Care Industry
Hygiene and Care Products:
Nutritional Supplements (non-medicated):
Accessories and Equipment:
Discover the Pet Health Industry Exhibitor Profile
Pharmaceutical products:
Equipment, Technologies and Innovations:
Professionals working in the areas of research, development,
Production and product development, as well as Unit Heads
de Negócios Pet also participate as visitors to the event.
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